Mocs Give Day 2024

Save the date for Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Help us spread the word by becoming a Mocs Give Day Advocate – you’ll receive an exclusive t-shirt when you commit to making a gift on October 1 and encourage others to donate as well.

Become an Advocate

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Your Gift Means More at UTC


Impact Stories

Innovation Through Philanthropy

Graduating from UTC in 1992, Richard X. Zhang’s profound connection with UTC and its Honors College has grown from graduate to donor, …
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Forever a Moc – Alan Cooper (‘96)

“If you knew Alan, you knew his love for the Mocs,” says Alan’s wife, Laura. Alan Cooper (‘96) was a well-known face …
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Champions of Campus

Kathy (‘90) and Eddie O’Brien (‘87) are steadfast pillars of support for initiatives across UTC, showing genuine dedication to campus life. Together, …
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Inspiring Generosity

At the heart of everything at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is our students. One of the most impactful ways we can support our students is scholarships. Hear how scholarships have changed the lives of five UTC students.

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New Building Alert

Check out the upcoming Kennedy Health Sciences Building.


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